
  1. Research Engineer

    Language Technology, ASAPP
  2. Machine Learning Engineer

    Speech & NLP Platform, Otter.ai
    Applying speech and NLP techniques to improve the automatic video/ audio transcription and summarization system.
  3. Machine Learning Intern

    Apple Inc.
    • Implemented state-of-the-art model efficiency techniques for Transformer models.
    • Achieved a 2.1x speedup and reduced parameters by 25% while maintaining translation quality by applying knowledge distillation, simpler recurrent architecture, and pruning techniques on Transformer.
  4. Visiting Researcher

    AI Research Group, Vector Institute; University of Toronto
    • Developed early pathological voice detection models using speech processing and deep learning techniques.
    • Built a system to solve the channel mismatch problem between devices, increasing the target domain PR-AUC from 0.84 to 0.94, using an unsupervised domain adaptation method, domain adversarial training.
    • Detected dementia in a low-resource language by proposing a transfer learning method.
  5. Research Assistant

    Bio-Acoustic Signal Processing Lab, Academia Sinica
    • Proposed novel neural network structures that achieves a 4x compression rate and 1.2x acceleration without performance degradation by quantizing the floating-point weights.
    • Integrated and optimized deep learning-based models (LSTM, FCN…) for various signal processing tasks, including speech enhancement and disease detection.


  1. M.S. in Computer Science

    Johns Hopkins University
  2. BSc in Electrical Engineering

    National Taiwan University